Overview: For our first project, I would like you to research data on the world’

Overview: For our first project, I would like you to research data on the world’s population. It is often difficult to visualize that there are 8 billion people on planet Earth, and to relate what kinds of resource that many people require. For this project, reduce the world’s 8 billion inhabitants to a total of 100 people, then use that data to represent this population.
Specifications: This project will involve high quality (i.e. collegiate level) research. You have a lot of freedom as to how to convey the information; however, you are to utilize legitimate sources (beware of Wikipedia and other low quality Internet sources). Your project must incorporate the following:
Choose at least 10 categories or data points regarding the world’s overall population, then apply this data to our “World of 100 People.” This information can relate to demographics, economics, food, or social components. For example, “If the world contained 100 people, 19 of them would own automobiles,” (in real life, there are approximately 1.5 billion cars worldwide, which equates to about 19% of the world’s population–19 out of 100 in our project). Here is another interesting example, “if the world contained 100 people, only 1 would have a college degree.”
Illustrate this data in a format of your choosing. You can project the data onto a world map, create a table, etc., as long as the data can be read and interpreted. One interesting approach could be to cluster the amounts onto a blank world map, showing “how many” of each category are found on each continent. Using our automobile example, you can show 4 autos in North America, 7 autos in Asia, etc.
List your sources for this data. These do not have to be “formal” citations, like you would use in a term research paper, but there must be enough bibliographical information provided so that your audience can check your data.

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