Provide brief responses to the questions below about the discussion readings. Yo

Provide brief responses to the questions below about the discussion readings. You can work in groups but you have to submit the assignment individually.
Wang 2018
1. Provide at least three reasons used by the authors to justify this study (from the Introduction).
2. What is the study design used to address the research question?
3. What is the purpose of the information presented in Table 1? What would you consider to be the main message(s) from that table?
4. Based on the results from this study, what do you consider to be the main risk factors for COPD in China? Why?
5. What are the main conclusions that can be derived from the information presented in Figure 3?
6. What are the main limitations of this study? Are they adequately discussed in the manuscript?
Rasmussen 2016
1.What is the main aim of the study presented in the article? What is the scientific rationale supporting this aim?
2.The authors conducted a nested case-control study. Why do you think they used this study design and not a cohort design?
3.What are the main findings from the study?
4.What is the purpose of Figure 3?
5.How did the authors evaluate the presence of unmeasured confounding?
6.What are the main strengths of the study?
7.What are the main limitations of the study?

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