This paper is 5-6 pages double spaced using any format (APA, MLA, etc.). Don’t f

This paper is 5-6 pages double spaced using any format (APA, MLA, etc.). Don’t forget to include one scholarly source with your paper- it could be an article about dating, sexual scripts, socialization, why women read such advice books, etc.
For your book review paper, you are to choose an advice book. This advice book should be about dating, relationships, marriage, sex, etc. The first two pages should give an overview of your book, main points/topics discussed/etc.; the last half of your paper should focus on addressing stereotypes associated with men and/or women, assumptions made about men and/or women, and relationships; gender role expectations and/or sexual scripts. What assumptions about sexuality are made? Are there gendered expectations? What is the author assuming about its audience and their sexual orientation?
Here are some examples of books chosen by students in the past (please note these are just examples – you do not have to pick one of these books)
He’s Just Not That Into You
Be Honest, You’re Just Not That Into Him Either
The Rules
The Hook-Up Handbook
The Bitch In the Bedroom
Dating For Dummies
Dyke Drama
It’s Called a Breakup Because It Is Broken
The Perfect Marriage for Dummies

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