Dave suggested to Fred that they rob a bank. Fred agreed and said that he would

Dave suggested to Fred that they rob a bank. Fred agreed and said that he would go along with Dave when he tries to rob the bank. Unbeknownst to Dave, Fred did not actually want to rob the bank. Rather, he was a member of a terrorist group who wanted to explode a hand grenade in a public place as an act of terror. When Dave asked him to participate in the bank robbery, Fred saw an opportunity to fulfill his goal while having Dave along as an unwitting armed backup. The next day, Dave and Fred approached the bank carrying handguns. Fred also had a hand grenade in his jacket pocket that Dave did not know about. Just as they walked in the bank’s front door with their guns drawn, to Dave’s astonishment, Fred removed the grenade from his pocket, pulled the pin, and threw the grenade into the bank. The explosion damaged the bank, but did not hurt anyone. Bank guard Gus saw Dave and Fred running away with their guns drawn and shot his gun at Fred, killing him. With what crimes may Dave reasonably be charged? Discuss.

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