For this assignemt you can make up a client, I’m using my coworker who’s a socia

For this assignemt you can make up a client, I’m using my coworker who’s a social worker as my client. I currently work for the department social services as a caseworker and we work in CPS , but the fake client you can make up a story and go with the flow
For this assignment you will conduct a videotaped qualitative data gathering session to assess the biopsychosocial strengths and needs of your client and to generate a written assessment document reflective of what you learned. You will ultimately conduct two separate videotaped assessment meetings with this same client. If required by the agency, you must get written permission from the client and from the field supervisor to use this client for your course work. Please note that you will be the only person reviewing the recording at any point, and I’ll encourage you to delete the recording upon completion of this course.
Anticipate this paper will be 6-8 pages in length; however, the length of the paper will vary depending on the amount of information collected during the interview and how you choose to communicate it. Consider the following as you approach the project:
You will conduct what is alternatively referred to as a comprehensive evaluation or a biopsychosocial evaluation. This means that, as best as you’re able, you’ll attempt to learn everything about the client that may be relevant to the presenting problem. To support you in this task, I generated this Integrative Skills Assessment Outline Download Integrative Skills Assessment outlinebased on the Jordan & Franklin text.
This may play out as a structured interview (where you ask each item on the outline, one at a time) or more of a semi-structured approach, where you write in data for each section as it arises in your conversation. We’ll speak more about these different approaches in class.
The paper you submit will not be as comprehensive in that it does not need to convey every last bit of information you learned in the interview. Instead I am asking you to complete what we’d call a case formulation or a clinical formulation. To strengthen your understanding of what we mean by a clinical formulation you might review this short articleLinks to an external site..
Ultimately as the clinician-in-training you will choose what information is most relevant and how it ought to be conveyed. Concern yourself with communicating all relevant information as efficiently and appropriately as possible rather than any page count. This is ultimately more of a summary document than it is a fully comprehensive evaluation write-up.
Remain mindful of client confidentiality as you generate your assignment. While the detail of the information is such that someone may be able to identify the client based on the information described, you are invited to change details (e.g., people, places, technical details) in such a way that increases client confidentiality.
While the Integrative Skills Assessment Outline will support you in structuring the assignment, you should not present the paper in outline form. This should be a narrative communicating the client’s status based on what you learned in your interview. If you’re concerned about how best to format the paper, you might consider using each of the tool’s six headers as the headers for your written document.
Exemplary work will address all relevant areas of the Integrative Skills Assessment Outline, reflect the interpretation and organization of client data into a meaningful and efficient narrative, and utilize appropriate practice jargon.

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