Part 1: Answer: Based on what you read in chapter 3, how do matters of race and

Part 1:
Answer: Based on what you read in chapter 3, how do matters of race and ethnicity, or immigration shape the family life?
Examine 1 observation you made in regard to the inequalities and family. Feel free to use the clip above to help you to think about macro forces.
Ask 1 question about something that you might not have a full understanding of or that you think would create further discussion.
Part 2: write a couple of paragraphs analyzing how biases towards a certain group can impact our or others’ opportunities or life choices and in connection to chapter 3, write about how socialization and culture have played a role in the development of certain perspectives about certain groups. (part 2 should be 300 words). NOTE* please label part 1 and part 2

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