part 1: (part 1 should be 8 sentences) NOTE for part 1 you will be reading modul

part 1: (part 1 should be 8 sentences) NOTE for part 1 you will be reading module 6, 7, 10, and 13
From the Social Cognition module, define schema and give an example. Next, describe your event-schema, or script, for an event that you encounter regularly. Now, attempt to articulate a script for an event that you have encountered only once or a few times. How are these scripts different? How confident are you in your ability to navigate these two events?
include your own thoughts and information from the required reading module, and must mention author’s name via in-text citation.
part 2:
for part 2 you will watch the video that is linked above and write a journal. Your journal must include a summary of the video and a personal reflection. Include at least one solid paragraph summarizing the video (200 words or more) and at least one solid paragraph with a personal reflection (200 words or more). Your reflection should convey your thoughts and opinions on the information covered in the talk.
part 2 requirements:
-Journal includes 2 separate paragraphs
– a summary paragraph and a reflection paragraph.
-Summary paragraph is at least 200 words and offers a summary of the video.
-Reflection paragraph is at least 200 words and offers your thoughts/opinions on the content of the video.
-Both paragraphs are clear and well thought-out.

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