two different assignment for same class Literacy Strategies Portfolio: Practice

two different assignment for same class
Literacy Strategies Portfolio: Practice and Analy…
Over the next few weeks, you will work to develop a portfolioof disciplinary-literacy strategies designed to highlight the reading and writing skills that we have been reviewing. This portfolioshould be built from your Learning Window Unit Plan Assignment submitted earlier in the course. The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate what you have learned about how to select, develop, and implement appropriate instructional strategies for content area classrooms. As you develop these strategies, you should think of and present them from a professional development opportunity perspective.
Throughout this course, you will complete this assignment four times, focusing on a different literacy strategy with each submission. The literacy strategies are as follows in the chart below.
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Article Critique: Vocabulary Strategies Assignme…
One of the most essential skills that we need to develop as educators and teacher leaders is the ability to read and discern current research that is being carried out in our field. Peer-reviewed journals represent the highest quality of research that is being conducted to help inform educators at all levels of the best practices in their content or field. When writing a journal article review, you will be asked to create a critical evaluation of literature that is relevant to your given field of study. These reviews should include summaries of the given information butshould move beyond summarizing to also include an analysis and comparison of the given informationand even the methods that were used to collect the information.
You will complete two article critiques in this course. Each critique should align with the assignment’s focus. The two Article Critique Assignments are as follows:
Module: Week
Module 4: Week 4
Article Critique: Vocabulary Strategies Assignment
Module 6: Week 6
Article Critique: Diversity and Disciplinary Literacy Assignment
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