Note: The video has Closed Captioning. To activate it, start the video, mouse o

Note: The video has Closed Captioning. To activate it, start the video, mouse over the bottom of the video and click on the CC icon, then select from the menu.
This week we are going to examine substitute goods, highways and a bit about how we pay for highways.
Assignment Summary:
Watch the video above.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of toll roads for drivers? Why might an individual prefer to pay a toll than use a free road?
Are there other ways to pay for highways other than tolls or higher motor fuel taxes? (Oregon is researching an alternative user fee system, you may wish to search for that information.)
Are there environmental aspects to the use of toll roads versus free roads?
Post your views to the discussion board and refer to at least two different concepts from this week’s Chapters. You must refer only to concepts listed at the end of every chapter and type them using CAPITAL LETTERS. Your illustration of concepts MUST include an explanation of why you think they are relevant to the week’s topic using specific information from the articles, videos, and other research that you may have done.
Answer questions from your instructor.
You are required to start a thread and at least two more posts to make a minimum of three posts totaling at least 500 words. Failure to meet these minimum posting requirements results in point deductions.
Include a word count on each post. All of your posts should sum to a minimum of 500 words.
Each post submitted should be between 150 and 250 words. Keep them short, specific, and clear.
Please review Plagiarism Powerpoints ( PLAGIARISM.ppt PLAGIARISM.ppt – Alternative Formats ) and be sure to provide references (APA.ppt), including URLs where appropriate, to all works that you cite.

Rubric for Microeconomics discussion. Professor Lopez.
Levels of Achievement
Poor work
Partial work
Good work
Minimum participation requirement
(50 points)
No work submitted or just one post and/or no more than 167 words. Work is submitted late.
(10 points)
Two posts submitted and/or less than 500 words total. Three posts may be submitted but very late during the week (last day and late).
(30 points)
At least three posts and 500 words are submitted during three different days
(50 points)
Main questions of assignment
(20 points)
Opinion submitted but main question(s) of assignment is (are) not addressed
(4 points)
Opinion submitted and main question is partially addressed
(12 points)
Opinion submitted and questions of assignment are properly addressed
(20 points)
Response to instructor
(10 points)
No response to instructor comments/questions
(0 points)
Partial responses to questions from instructor/comments, or further and necessary clarifications are not provided.
(5 points)
Proper responses to questions from instructor
(10 points)
Key-concept illustration
(20 points)
No key concepts are named, defined, and explained how they may relate to article/topic.
(0 points)
Only one key concept identified or partial illustration of at least two key concepts.
(10 points)
Two key concepts are properly named and defined, and then explained how they may relate to assignment.
(20 points)
Now click the “Week 3 DISCUSSION” title above to go to the discussion forum. You are required to start a new thread. Click on the Create Thread button at the top. You can also respond to an existing post by clicking the Respond button at the bottom of the post.
This assignment closes at the end of the week. No exceptions.

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