For this assignment, you will be exploring the world around you through a design

For this assignment, you will be exploring the world around you through a design application. You will be taking photographi c images of
the design components listed below. This assignment will further your understanding of the visual elements and principles of design
that become inherent in works of art.
1. Create a SPECIFIC theme for your book.
2. Use any camera – digital, film, your cellphone to take your photographs. Photographs may be in color, achromatic or sepia.
One image cannot count for two design components. DO NOT use previously taken photos.
3. List of design components to achieve through a photograph within your theme. (Learned from study guide 1)
Decide on a portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal) layout for your photo-taking or take both directions and decide later,
so that the layout of your presentation will be consistent throughout.
1. Organic line (curved lines) 11. Time or motion
2. Rectilinear line (straight lines) 12. Rhythm
3. Concentric line 13. Unity & Variety
4. Spiral line 14. Emphasis / Focal Point
5. Radial line 15. Cool feeling
6. Symmetrical balance 16. Warm feeling
7. Scale or Proportion 17. Bird’s-eye view
8. Light and Shadow 18. Atmospheric perspective
9. Pattern 19. Linear perspective
10. Texture 20. Personal choice or Symbolism within your theme
4. Make a PowerPointPresentation or use Google Slides (free) for your photographs in the order listed above. See examples on CANVAS.
5. Written portion: First slide – add a title, your name, any design, etc. Continue with a brief description or statement of the
idea behind each photograph or something interesting about the photograph and/or how it relates to your theme. Statements can
be humorous, serious or whatever tone you want to convey to a viewer. Aim to use the term in your statement.
6. Choose an appropriate typeface style and font size of lettering for your theme/idea. Background should be subtle and not
distracting. Your photos are the main objective of your project. Text size should not overwhelm the images, but will add a visual
and pleasant aspect to your presentation.
7. Save your presentation, then save it again as a .pdf file (to shrink its size). Upload the .pdf file into the Project A container on Canvas.
Grading criteria –
 Creating a specific and unique theme for your presentation. (3pts)
 Properly identifying each design component within a photographic image. (10pts)
 Imaginative compositional ideas, angles or viewpoint of each design component. (6pts)
 Expressive statements on each design component or image in a typeface and font which compliments your theme. (5pts)
 The presentation of a well-organized presentation. (4pts)
 Following directions. (2pts)

Posted in Art

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