Instructions Tasks The students will select a quantitative research study from a

Instructions Tasks The students will select a quantitative research study from a peer-reviewed nursing journal. All research articles used must be pre-approved by the faculty member four (4) weeks prior to the assignment. Articles must be from a NURSING journal. An easy way to ensure this is to choose a journal with the word “Nursing” in the title, such as the Journal of Nursing Research, The Journal of Neonatal Nursing, or the Journal of Nursing Care Quality. The following statement is required on all written assignments with respect to the Felician University Honor Code. It must be included on the cover page: “I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received inappropriate aid on this assignment.” The following questions should be answered in the critique of the article. A yes or no answer will not be accepted. All questions should be explained. Section I: Introduction What is the research problem and is it clearly stated in the paper? How important is the problem to nursing and why? What is the justification for this study? Are there hypotheses, questions, or objectives stated? What are they? Compare and contrast what is meant by theoretical framework and conceptual framework. What theoretical or conceptual framework was used for the study? Which one? Was it clearly identified or only implied? Look at the reference list. How current is the research literature reviewed (consider the publication date of the paper)? Elaborate. Where is the literature review located in this study? How many studies were reviewed. Does the literature review adequately support the need for the study? Elaborate. Section II: Methods What is the study design? Does the design fit the purpose of the study? Elaborate. How is the design linked to the sampling method and statistical analysis? Describe the sample as stated in the article. Is it adequately and clearly described in the article? Elaborate. Is the sampling procedure discussed in detail? Elaborate. What do the authors provide as justification for the size of the sample? Describe the study protocol (treatment and/or procedures). Is it clear and concise? What instruments are described in the article? Does each instrument measure the concept it is intended to measure? (Is the concept definition consistent with the operational definition?) Elaborate. Does the author(s) present information on reliability and validity of the instruments? What do these terms mean? Elaborate. Compare and contrast internal and external validity. How does the author address threats to internal and external validity that are inherent in the study design? What evidence is provided regarding human subject’s review and approval discussed? Are there indications of any ethical concerns? Elaborate. Is the study described with enough detail for replication? Elaborate. Section III: Results How are characteristics of the sample described? Explain how the research questions/hypotheses are answered in the study. What types of data were collected? What data analysis procedures are used to answer the research questions? (Explain your answer.) How are tables, charts, and/or graphs used to present the data? Elaborate. Does the text supplement or repeat the data in the tables? Support your answer. Briefly summarize the findings and analyze the results. Section IV: Discussion and Implications for Nursing Practice Does the author relate the findings to the study’s purpose (or research objectives/hypotheses/questions)? How do the findings of the study compare with findings from previous studies? Does the author discuss the findings that conflict with previous work? What limitations of the study are discussed in terms of practice and future research? What new research emerged from this study? What is the potential for use in nursing practice? Section V: Overall Presentation and Summary Does the title accurately describe the type of study, major variables, and target population? Does the abstract accurately represent the study? Is the report logically consistent? Is the writing style clear and concise? WHEN YOU WRITE THE PAPER, FORMAT AS FOLLOWS: IA: What is the research problem and is it clearly stated in the paper? Write your response below IB: How important is the problem to nursing and why? Write your response below Turn-It-In Assignment

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