Read Chapters Chapter 4, 5 & 6 of Qualitative Communication Research Methods 4th

Read Chapters Chapter 4, 5 & 6 of Qualitative Communication Research Methods 4th Edition by Lindlof & Taylor. As well as the following articles. Ferrucci, P.; Russell, F.M.; Choi, H.; Duffy, M.; and Thorson, E. (2017). Times are a changing’: How a merger affects the construction of news processes. Journalism Studies. 18, 3, pp. 247-264. Arriagada, A., & Bishop, S. (2021). Between Commerciality and Authenticity: The Imaginary of Social Media Influencers in the Platform Economy. Communication, Culture & Critique, 14(4), 568–586. Wenzel, A. D., & Crittenden, L. (2021). Reimagining Local Journalism: A Community-centered Intervention. Journalism Studies, 22(15), 2023–2041. Write a two page review.

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