1a) What is a hypothesis? 1b) Why are hypotheses important for the scientific me

1a) What is a hypothesis? 1b) Why are hypotheses important for the scientific method? ​ 2) Starting with Observation and ending with Communicate Results, name and describe the steps in the scientific method. In your answer, correctly use the terms independent variable and dependent variable. 3a) Define what a p-value is. 3b) Give an example of how a p-value might be used. 3c) Describe why p-values are important for scientific studies. 4a) Draw a graph depicting how biological populations grow over time. 4b) Write the equation that predicts the change in population per unit time. 4c) Define the variables in the equation. 4d) Draw a second line on your graph depicting how a population would grow with a higher intrinsic growth rate than the initial line you draw. 4e) Name and define the three major determinants of humans’ intrinsic growth rate. 5a) What was Thomas Malthus’s primary hypothesis about how human population and food supply were related? 5b) Explain what factors have led to his hypothesis being right or wrong at the global level. 6a) Draw a graph depicting the demographic transition. Include lines for birth rate, death rate, population growth rate, and total population on your graph. 6b) Explain why declines in birth rates lag declines in death rates. 7a) Name and define the terms in the IPAT equation (that is, what do the I, P, A, and T stand for?). Include example units in your answer. 7b) Next, calculate the CO2 impact of China using the following numbers: 1,000,000,000 people, $10,000 per person of economic activity per year, and 0.001 tons of CO2 per unit of economic activity. 7c) Next, in order to keep that impact the same, what value would T need to take if A and P doubled? 7d) In order to cut impact in half, what value would T need to take if A and P doubled? 7e) What does the relationship between I, P, A, and T tell us about the role of technology in reducing carbon dioxide emissions if P and A are increasing? 8a) There are three major approaches to solving the problem of carrying capacity in human beings: consuming more resources, using technology to improve the efficiency of consumption, and decreasing per capita consumption. For wealthy countries, which of these (maybe more than one) might be most appropriate and why? 8b) For poor countries, which of these (maybe more than one) might be most appropriate and why? 8c) Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, describe why the approaches might need to be different between rich and poor countries. 9a) Describe Life Boat Ethics (Hardin 1974). 9b) Give an argument for and an argument against Life Boat Ethics and identify the ethical value systems we covered in class that you are using to make these arguments. 10) Design an experiment to test the hypothesis that studying for an exam will improve students’ scores on the exam but only if the students are not sleep deprived in the nights leading up to the exam. Describe the results you expect and how you would interpret the results.

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