Section 1 – Identify and Research an Issue Identify/research a social welfare p

Section 1 – Identify and Research an Issue
Identify/research a social welfare policy issue about which student is concerned.
Identify the Issue
The campaign will identify a specific social welfare policy issue. The social welfare issue needs to be concerned with human problems. The campaign should identify specific populations of people that are the focus of the social problem.
Example: “This campaign will address the issue of the incarceration of minority adolescent offenders in juvenile detention facilities in Nebraska. Data suggests that a significant proportion of incarcerated youth identify themselves as Native American or Hispanic.”
Explain why you or your group are interested in this social welfare issue.
Research the Issue
Present the facts of your case.

Define the human problem. What exactly is the problem?

Provide statistical data related to the prevalence of the problem. This means data related to such factors as the incidence, frequency or volume of occurrence within defined local, state or national populations of people.

Has this issue been previously explored? Have there been prior bills/legislation and, if so, who were the sponsors and what were the outcomes?

Identify and describe the characteristics of the individuals who are impacted by the problem. Characteristics may include people’s ages, gender, income levels, education, ethnic or racial makeup, living arrangements, living locations, public support, etc. Demographic information is essential to helping you isolate and discuss specific characteristics of those impacted or the focus of the social problem. It may also help you isolate potential causes of human problems.

What appears to be the major unmet needs of this population? Of these needs, which one or two do you believe to be most significant? Why?

Identify and discuss the consequences of the problem for these individuals, for communities, for professionals, and for society. For example, if children do not receive the needed child immunizations, the consequences could be higher death rates, disabilities, reduced capacities, greater costs for health care, etc… Data from reputable sources is important.

Determine an estimate for the cost of funding of your project. For example, how much will it cost your community or state to address the issue/problem you hope to change/implement?
Minimum 4 pages. (Section 1 is worth 100 points.)

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