As McInnis states in our first reading, “The changes that the Goldwater-Nichols

As McInnis states in our first reading, “The changes that the Goldwater-Nichols legislation made to the Department of Defense, and in particular, the way that DOD conducts military operations, are in many ways central to how the Department conducts military operations today (2016).” In this activity, you will review and identify the fundamental problems that go to reform and figure out how issues are addressed by the Act.
Refer to readings on The Goldwater-Nichols Reorganization Act and review the following two resources again.
(First resource is reforms and considerations)
Chapter 1: Goldwater-Nichols at 30: Defense Reform and Issues for Congress.
Note: Focus on the first two sections – Introduction and The Strategic Context Leading to the Goldwater-Nichols Act (pages 1-14).
(Second resource is the reorganization act)
Ten fundamental problems under Purpose and Provisions (pg. 103).
Then, reply to the following question:
Identify which provisions on the second source address the fundamental problems, gaps, and deficiencies listed in the first source. What uncovered issue(s) are there, if any?

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