i attached page 15-17 ebook, the papper must including 2 Ethical Theories page 1

i attached page 15-17 ebook, the papper must including 2 Ethical Theories page 16,17& 2 Medical Ethics principles p 15 & 16. for the ethical dilemma paper may be taken from your text or personal interest. Before deciding on a topic, please read the appropriate section in your text for a basic understanding of the facts, ethical concepts, and problems to be addressed in the final paper. Each of these topics needs to be narrowed to allow a sufficient depth of analysis and discussion. A sample of topics from which to select from our text is Roe v. Wade, Karen Ann Quinlan, Terri Schiavo, Nancy Cruzan, Elizabeth Bouvia, Catherine Gilgunn, and Shirley 9 Dinnerstein. The Case of Diane/Vacco v Quill, Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act. Regulations: Baby “K,” Baby Doe, and Baby Jane Doe.
It is likely that the textbook will be an important reference for your paper. However, the paper must have 2 other references. Your primary ethics resources should bring additional information and arguments to those found in the text and add depth to your work. Please also explain how understanding your topic applies to your field of study.

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