Discussion Reading: George et al., Circulation. 2015;132:1320-1328.
Provide brief responses to the questions below about the discussion reading. You can work in groups but you have to submit individually.
What are the study questions (in your own words)?
Why did the authors decide to address these particular questions?
In the introduction, the authors remark that the incidence of acute CVD presentations (MI, stroke) have typically been studied more than chronic CVD presentations (stable angina, heart failure). Can you speculate why this is the case?
What is the study design?
Do you agree with the list of a priori confounding factors to be considered in the analysis (page 1321)? Why, or why not?
What are the strengths and limitations of this study?
What are the authors’ main conclusions?
Do you agree with these conclusions? Look at Figure 1 and Table I in the online supplement.
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