Students are expected to choose one common child and adolescent mental health di

Students are expected to choose one common child and adolescent mental health disorder discussed in this course and discuss the following areas related to the disorder: (1) Current theories and evidence regarding the etiology of the disorder paying attention to factors such as environmental and biological risk and protective factors, family factors, and psycho-social effects; (2)How the disorder manifests in children of different ages (younger children, middle-aged children, and adolescents); and (3) Possible age appropriate prevention and intervention strategies in helping a child manage and cope with the disorder. Students are to conclude the paper by providing their opinion regarding the information discussed while providing information on how this knowledge will be helpful for them in the future as they work with children. Students are to write a 5-6 page paper and will utilize at least 4 literary resources from peer reviewed journals or books and use APA guidelines when writing this paper.

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