The Bob White Karate Studio has been a local fixture for almost 40 years. The st

The Bob White Karate Studio has been a local fixture for almost 40 years. The studio offers training in American Kenpo Karate to students from 3 years old to 80 years old. Students select one of several programs: (a) monthly payments, (b) semi-annual payments, or (c) the black belt program. Each of these programs allows them to take group classes as well as one or more private lessons with a qualified black belt instructor, depending on the program selected. For example, the monthly program includes one private lesson, the semi-annual program includes three private lessons, and the black belt program includes one lesson per week until the student attains black belt rank. Additionally, students may purchase additional private lessons, as well as uniforms, sparring gear, and various studio insignia and clothing items. The additional half-hour private lessons are priced as packages, which include 5, 10, 20, 40, or 60 lessons, and the price also varies depending on whether the lessons are provided by senior or junior instructors. When students purchase a package, they are assigned to a particular instructor for the duration of the package. Students typically pay for anything they buy at the time of their purchase, but established students are sometimes allowed to purchase on credit. In that case, they generally must pay within 2 weeks. While all studio employees are also instructors, only a few employees handle sales transactions and accept payments.
a-Draw a BPMN activity diagram that describes the Bob White Karate Studio’s sales and collection process.
b-Prepare a UML class diagram with classes, associations, and multiplicities.
c-Using the preceding information and the following attributes list, prepare a listing of the relational tables necessary to support this sales and collection process. List the tables in the following order: resources, events, agents, type images, and linking tables.
Cash account#
Cash account balance
Credit card number for this sale
Date sale paid
Employee name
Employee rank
Instructor type
Inventory item#
Inventory item descriiption
Inventory item price
Inventory item quantity on hand (QOH)
Private lesson package#
Private lesson package descriiption
Private lesson package price
Program descriiption
Program price
Quantity of instructors of this type
Quantity of this inventory item purchased on this sale
Sale amount
Sale date
Sale paid (Y/N)
Student current rank
Student name
Student original enrollment date

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