Consider the plays, Rachel and A Sunday Morning in the South along with your exp

Consider the plays, Rachel and A Sunday Morning in the South along with your experience at the Legacy Museum. Consider the rise of the New Negro Movement. Are there any parallels with what was going on in society then versus today? What do you think the legacy of lynching is, not only in this country, but in terms of Black theatre? Even if these plays still resonate today, and given the fact that some have not be produced at all, would you think it necessary to stage either or both of these shows? Please explain your position fully and clearly (either yes or no).

Your response must be typed in 12pt. easy to read font and must be between 300-350 words. You must respond to each portion of the question about and meet the word count minimum in order to receive full credit. Partial credit adds up and may wind up hurting your grade at the end of the semester. So take your time before you answer and submit. Think about what you want to say before you articulate it.

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