Find two websites that provide business information such as company or industry news, trends, analysis, facts, or performance data. Using the criteria discussed under “Evaluating Sources” on page 376, evaluate the credibility of the information presented on these websites. Do not post an evaluation of a website that has already been provided and evaluated. Check the forum before posting your resource. Credit will not be given for repeat websites.
Let’s discuss how to do this assignment – a learning experience. Evaluate the SITE, which is what the instructions quite clearly stipulate. Often students just evaluate one article for each site. NOPE. There’s this sentence: “evaluate the credibility of the information presented at these websites.” That’s not just one article. You can go in-depth with one (use what you have in your edit), but you need to address the credibility of the information presented across the entire site, which means at least writing a paragraph that speaks to multiple examples you examine. Before you claim that this requirement and how to complete this discussion were all unclear, my first announcement of the week spoke to this issue and how to proceed. Three is a good number, but I am all right with one in-depth and then an overview or the overview first and then the in-depth analysis. But I think the instructions are pretty clear. These sites have already been used by other students and are off limits:
Bloomberg Businessweek and Yahoo Finance
Business Insider and Fortune
MarketWatch and Chase, R. B., Jacobs, F. R., & Shankar, R. (2016). Operations and Supply Chain Management.
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