Select a current image in popular culture, art, photography, or advertising. Wri

Select a current image in popular culture, art, photography, or advertising. Write a 750 – 1,000 word essay that analyzes how the image represents the interests of the stakeholder (the stakeholder’s goal or message), taking into consideration audience, message, purpose, rhetorical appeals, and/or rhetorical fallacies. You should point to specific details from the image to support your claims. In order to effectively analyze the images, you will need to have an accurate understanding of each stakeholder’s goals. You are required to use a minimum of two sources: one must be the course textbook or an assigned article; the second must be a source from the stakeholder.
Project Outcomes and ObjectivesStudents will
● understand how images convey messages to audiences by analyzing visual strategies (Focus)
● develop a thesis statement that makes a claim about the relationship between the two images, including how these images reflect a stakeholder’s goals (Focus)
● support their analysis using primary resources from the stakeholder, the textbook, and outside resources (Evidence)
● write an effective introduction, body, and conclusion; logically organize supporting points (Organization)
● employ a process of revision using peer and instructor feedback to produce a paper that is clearly worded and free of grammar and style errors, specifically as they relate to proofreading, punctuation, run-on sentences, comma splices, and sentence fragments (Style)
● maintain a third-person point of view (Style)
● follow proper APA structure both in formatting the paper and citing sources (Format)
DUE: September 12 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

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