1.Describe, in your own words, Ohm’s Laws and how to measure voltage and current using a DMM.
2.Describe on your own words the procedure followed in lab. If required, make reference to diagrams and schematics provided in the handout. Use paragraph format (no bullet points).
3, Start this section with a description of your results before presenting any calculated or measured values. Provide an example of your calculations.Attach corresponding tables and graphs, use proper captions.
4. Take a look to your data and analyze the relationship between current and voltage. Comment on any relevant information obtained from plotting your data. What is your main take away from this lab? This is the most important section of the lab report, because it demonstrates the level of understanding of the concepts studied. Discuss the meaning of the obtained results and other general observations. Although the main objective of this section is not to calculate the percentage of error, it is correct to explain discrepancies if obtained results do not follow expected trends. Elaborate on the thought process that you follow to achieve a conclusion.
answer theses questions for my lab report. I attached my lab manual and results
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