TWAs are expected to be at least 2 pages in length, of high quality, including w

TWAs are expected to be at least 2 pages in length, of high quality, including well-thought out ideas, clear expression of these ideas, and correct grammar and spelling. Along with this, TWAs require at least 2 scholarly citations. Please include proper references and citations when referring to information from the readings, textbook, or when using any other source of information (for example, journal articles, websites, newspapers, magazines, etc.). Proper referencing includes citing sources in the body of the TWA and complete references at the end. Please use APA referencing style. TWAs must be typed (double-spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman). For this TWA, I want to focus on the role that technology has played in the changes we have seen with family over the past 20 years. Please read the following article and answer at least 3 of the questions found below.
Article: Technology and family dynamics.pdf
What role, if any, do you believe that technology has played in the changing the way that parents and their children communicate over the last 20 years?
Discuss the role of technology in maintaining family relationships. What are some ways that technology can help us maintain familial relationships? What are some of the negative impacts that technology can have on family relationships?
What are some of the technological obstacles present today that parents 20 years ago did not have to navigate or worry about? What do you foresee being a technology related issue that families will have to account for in the next 5-10 years?
What are some topics or conversations that you believe are appropriate to be had using texting/social media? What are some that you believe need to be had face to face?
What are the pros and cons of using technology as our go to vehicle for communication instead of face-to-face communication?

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