Data Collection Assignment Directions: For each scenario below, identify one tar

Data Collection Assignment
Directions: For each scenario below, identify one target behavior for increase OR
decrease, provide an operational definition (please make sure you use the criteria
from your operational definition assignment), and identify a data collection method
for the selected behavior. In addition, provide a short justification for the data
collection method of your choice (i.e., why this method is appropriate) for each
scenario. Remember not every response can be appropriately quantified using
1. Anna is a 12-year-old girl with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and
a mild intellectual disability. She often has multiple, quick tantrums when she
is out in public that include screaming and self-injurious behavior. During an
interview, her mother reported that she wants to decrease Anna’s tantrums.
2. Rupert is a 30-year-old man with a diagnosis of Williams’s Syndrome who
works at a local department store stocking shelves. The store manager
reports that Rupert sometimes stops stocking shelves and has a hard time
getting back on track, even when prompted, resulting in other stock people
having to do double the amount of work. The manager reports that he would
like Rupert to be better at stocking shelves in a timely manner to avoid other
employee outrage.
3. Manny is a 6-year-old boy with a traumatic brain injury which resulted in an
intellectual disability. In his preschool class, he often refuses to engage with
other children. The teacher reports his outbursts include swiping items off of
his desk and/or throwing them around the classroom. His teacher would like
to help Manny interact with other children more, in hopes of reducing his
Data Collection Assignment Rubric
Data Collection Assignment Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScenario 1: All components were met, clear, and concise. Included the operational definition, selected appropriate data collection method and provided accurate justification.
1.25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScenario 2: All components were met, clear, and concise. Included the operational definition, selected appropriate data collection method and provided accurate justification.
1.25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScenario 3: All components were met, clear, and concise. Included the operational definition, selected appropriate data collection method and provided accurate justification.
1.25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar: Few to no errors in grammar.
0.25 pts
Total Points: 4

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