At least 2 paragraph each questions
Question 1:
What role do you feel that theory plays in social work practice? How does a social worker incorporate theory into their day to day practice?
Question 2 : How do social workers know what to do with clients? Where does our knowledge in the field of social work come from and how does that knowledge change over time?
Question 3
The goal of the self-reflection is to gain an understanding of how large social forces impact individual experience and to develop your professional vocabulary to identify and describe social forces.
The goal is NOT to revisit difficult emotional experiences for the purpose of their resolution.
Identify a turning point in your life and self-reflect on that turning point. This turning point does not need to be traumatic, but an event that, in hindsight, changed the trajectory of your development. You should choose an event in your life that you are willing to share with others in the class, and that by doing so, will not cause you discomfort.
What were the historical, political, economic, and/or cultural trends that shaped this experience for you?
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