Summary: Case studies are real-life scenarios in which you get to decide how to

Case studies are real-life scenarios in which you get to decide how to handle and ethically tricky situation. Case study reflections allow you to consider the implication of this week’s readings in a real-world context. Each one will present you with a realistic situation in the workplace and the ethical dilemmas that can arise. Your reflection should be between 750-1000 words and contain citations (as necessary) and a work cited page. Because this is a less structured assignment, I want you to freely share your feelings while relating them to the readings.
Please know that there is NO right or wrong answer. Even if your solution would not be conventionally popular, I want you to feel free to share that and your reasoning.
This week you should focus on utilizing the Unmasking Administrative Evil Text and the posted video “The Burger Murders. You are encouraged to utilize other sources from this course or outside sources as appropriate.

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