1. You will need to write a comprehensive APA Analysis paper, minimum of sixteen

1. You will need to write a comprehensive APA Analysis paper, minimum of sixteen hundred words, utilizing all the knowledge you have gained in CCJ3500. Please make sure to implement topics from unit 5, the reading section, and the attend section into your final paper for the entire course. If you need support on how to formulate your APA Analysis paper, you may refer to your APA Template under the Resource tab or contact the CPS Librarians. Please refer to your grading rubric for guidance. Remember to use a minimum of three scholarly reference sources. Upon completion you will click on the Dropbox tab to submit your paper for grading.
Topics from Unit 5 that need to be included are:
Research left-wing domestic extremist groups. What is their core philosophy? What are the pros and cons of this philosophy?
Research Muslim extremist terrorism. What are the main tenants of their aims? What should the United States do to prepare for attacks?
Research Sovereign Citizens, explain the significance of homemade license plates, bumper sticker that says “Posse Comitatus”, a license plate that reads “E.A.P. IlI” from the Republic of Pennsylvania and Sovereign Christian Citizen on the borders.

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