Film Review Podcast Select a science film that we have not viewed for class and

Film Review Podcast Select a science film that we have not viewed for class and complete a 10-minute podcast reviewing it. First, view the film carefully and use our course concepts and vocabulary to make notes on how the film meets or fails to meet the conventions of its genre, the needs of its audience, and the standards of filmmaking for its time. Then, record yourself on video or audio, perhaps consulting your notes, but not reading directly from them or from a fully written version of them. You may also complete this assignment with a friend or another student from class as an interview. Your smart phone or computer with microphone should be capable of recording the audio or video. You may submit the file directly or first add visual elements and upload the video to Youtube to enable close captioning. Your completed assignment should be smart and analytical but more conversational than a research paper. It should feature little to no editing unless you are incorporating clips of the film itself.

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