Hello, I want one respond at least 150 words to each 4 posts ( Fore Responses in

Hello, I want one respond at least 150 words to each 4 posts ( Fore Responses in total) below:
First response to this post (at least 150 words): The foundation of both qualitative and quantitative research is a logical, repeatable method. The problem, gap, purpose, and research questions serve as the deciding factors for either research methodology. Both have the capability of gathering both primary and secondary data.
When collecting data for nursing research, quantitative data can give researchers a starting point to help them choose which patients to interview. In contrast, qualitative data can help them understand the obstacles and enablers of patient recruitment and retention. Nursing practice is informed by both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. However, quantitative research is frequently prioritized.
Quantitative information includes:
Socioeconomic status.
Psycho-social interaction.
Health-related behavior.
Standardized outcome measures of health and well-being.
For several reasons, quantitative reasoning is crucial in nursing. Every day, nurses perform calculations that may be crucial to survival. Medication dosages frequently need to be estimated based on weight, test results, and other criteria for everyone, from infants to the oldest seniors. A sizable, randomly chosen sample is necessary for quantitative research since it often seeks to offer accurate, unbiased estimates of parameters of interest for the entire population.
Semi-structured interviews were utilized to gather qualitative data and examine participant opinions on the intervention, its results, and the study’s validity. Additionally, qualitative nursing research focuses mainly on the real-world experiences of nurses and patients. Qualitative research has made some of the processes chronically ill patients go through and what it means to live with chronic illness more visible in the field of chronic illness. Understanding health behavior patterns, describing sickness experiences, creating health therapies, and creating healthcare theories are all beneficial. The richness of the data and the descriptions and depth of the exploration it makes are the qualitative research approach’s greatest assets.
LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2010). Nursing research: Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier
Streefkerk, R. (2023, January 03). Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research | Differences, Examples & Methods. Scribbr.
2nd respond to this post (at least 150 words) : In very simple terms, the main difference between quantitative and qualitative is the same difference as subjective and objective data. Quantitative data is the objective whereas qualitative is the subjective. In nursing research both are used to different degrees, usually to answer different types of problems or phenomena. Qualitative is getting the “lived experiences” of research subjects and patients.(LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2022) We want to hear about the issues they have and how a certain problem affects them. Qualitative researchers rely on interviews and observation to get the answers they are seeking and use them to form hypotheses and responses to certain issues. Quantitative research is quite different from qualitative in the fact that hard data and measurements are the driving force of quantitative research.(LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2022) If you have a claim about a hypothesis or problem, you must back it up with data in order to prove your point. That data also needs to be diverse, especially in nursing research, and encompass a wide variety of statistics depending on the research topic. Quantitative data is more clinical and scientific than qualitative, but both are incredibly important for nursing research. The way the two are similar is how they help the nursing research realm in getting answers for common problems. For example, let’s use a pain analysis for hospital patients on an orthopedics floor. We can use qualitative research to interview patients about their pain levels and what exactly works for them in terms of pain management. In the same scenario, we can use quantitative data to measure pain medication given, or how long a stretching exercise or breathing technique was done. Both can be used for the same problem, they just each have a certain way of getting the data. These two domains of nursing research can get both hard data and patient feedback on the same issue in most cases, which is imperative for strengthening the nurse patient relationship. Truly understanding our patients helps nurses give the best care possible to each patient they encounter.
LoBiondo-Wood, G. & Haber, J. (2022). Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier. (pp. 11-13, 95-104, 159-162).
3rd repsond to this post ( at least 150 words) : Quantitative and qualitative nursing
Nurses gather and assess data in two distinct forms: quantitative and qualitative nursing research.
1. Research Process: The two studies involve a defined data collection, analysis, and interpretation strategy.
2. Rigor and Validity: The two approaches maintain solid and correct study designs to ensure reliable findings.
3. Ethical Considerations: The two types of nursing research, including statistics or descriptions, follow regulations to safeguard the participant’s rights and safety.
1. Research Focus
Quantitative Research: This strategy focuses on data that can be measured and attempts to uncover correlations between various aspects. It puts concepts to the test using numbers and statistics.
Qualitative Research: Qualitative Research examines and comprehends how individuals think, feel, and perceive things. It entails obtaining information other than values, such as conversing with people, observing events unfold, and examining written sources.
2. Data Collection
Quantitative Research Data for quantitative Research is obtained systematically through interviews, questionnaires, and testing, generally using standardized instruments.
Qualitative research methods for collecting qualitative research data include conducting in-depth interviews, watching individuals in their natural contexts, gathering people in gatherings to debate certain themes, and evaluating written objects and their contents.
3. Analysis
Quantitative Research Quantitative data is evaluated using mathematical formulae and techniques to discover patterns, correlations, and significant differences between items.
Qualitative Research Using methodologies such as thematic analysis and content inspection, qualitative research data is investigated for prevalent concepts, trends, and implications.
4. Sample Size
Quantitative Research Quantitative research frequently employs larger groups of participants to ensure the results are trustworthy and applicable to a wider range of people.
Qualitative Research: Smaller groups of individuals are typically used in qualitative studies to investigate more deeply and properly comprehend a restricted number of examples.
Use in Nursing
Quantitative Research in Nursing
Nurses frequently employ quantitative Research to examine and discover relationships between various items and answer numerically based inquiries (Heale, R.,et al 2015). It can determine how well a new treatment works, how pleased patients are, or whether there is a correlation between the total number of nurses and how efficiently clients do. Quantitative Research provides critical information for employing findings in everyday life and assisting clinicians in making decisions.
Qualitative Research in Nursing
Qualitative Research is helpful in nursing because it helps us comprehend patients’, households’, and healthcare professionals’ real-life experiences. It is widely used to investigate complex issues such as how chronic disease impacts people’s emotions, how caregivers handle tough situations, and how culture influences healthcare decisions (Renjith, V., et al 2021). Qualitative Research provides us with thorough and useful knowledge about. It also enables us to comprehend what individuals go through when receiving medical care.
Quantitative and qualitative research are vital in nursing research, each serving a distinct function. Numbers and statistics are used in quantitative research to aid with evidence-based practice. Conversely, qualitative research delves deeper into human interactions and circumstances, contributing to patient-centered treatment that considers the full person.
Analysis of the similarities and differences between qualitative and quantitative research. (2023). Journal of Sociology and Ethnology, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.23977/jsoce.2023.050115
Heale, R., & Twycross, A. (2015, July 1). Validity and reliability in quantitative studies. Evidence-Based Nursing. https://ebn.bmj.com/content/18/3/66
Renjith, V., Yesodharan, R., Noronha, J. A., Ladd, E., & George, A. (2021, February 24). Qualitative methods in health care research. International journal of preventive medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC81062…
4th reaopnd to this post- at least 150 words: Research is the cornerstone of clinical practice. According to Cruz et al. (2017), it determines the quality of care service delivery in nursing as it is the basis of evidence-based practice. Through nursing research, cost-effective approaches to care can be devised and implemented in routine care. It also provides a basis for standards setting and quality assurance. The two main approaches used in nursing research are qualitative and quantitative. The two approaches have significant differencesconcerning methodologies, the nature of data generated, and the strength of evidence developed.
Similarities between quantitative and qualitative research
The two research approaches have several similarities. First, both contribute to evidence-based practice and inform clinical decision-making. Secondly, they both uphold scientific rigor while aiming to minimize bias and ensure data reliability. In both approaches, the entire research process is conducted following ethical guidelines. Additionally, data analysis is systematic in both cases, and interpretation of the results fosters critical thinking and professional growth (Fitzpatrick, 2018). Therefore, in some instances, a researcher can use a mixed-method approach in their study.
Differences between quantitative and qualitative research
Despite the similarities, they also have differences. Renjith et al. (2021) stipulated that quantitative research is concise and narrow, while qualitative research aims to understand a phenomenon in its entirety. Quantitative research also begins with a hypothesis, a preconceived idea about the interrelation of variables. In contrast, qualitative research has few preconceived ideas but emphasizes people’s interpretation of events and circumstances rather than the researcher’s interpretation. Therefore, the quantitative approach focuses on objectivity in data collection and analysis, while the qualitative approach assumes subjectivity is essential for understanding human experiences. Data collection in quantitative research is usually under controlled conditions, while there is no control in the context of qualitative research. Finally, numeric data is analyzed through statistical procedures in quantitative research, while narrative information is analyzed in an organized manner in qualitative research.
Ways in which qualitative and quantitative research can be used in nursing
Quantitative research can be used to conduct observational studies such as clinical trials because they provide a framework for studying cause-and-effect relationships, determining outcomes, and identifying trends. Equally, qualitative research can be used to establish evidence to inform patient-centered care, quality improvement, nurse-patient communication, and cultural competence. Improvement of these aspects of care ispossible with qualitative research as it enables the development of an in-depth insight into subjective experiences, perceptions,and behaviors of patients, care providers, and families.
Cruz R. S., Kyte, D. G., Aiyegbusi, O. L., Keeley, T. J., & Calvert, M. J. (2017). Assessing the impact of healthcare research: A systematic review of methodological frameworks. PLoS medicine, 14(8), e1002370. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1002370
Fitzpatrick J. J. (2018). Encyclopedia of nursing research (Fourth). Springer Publishing Company.
Renjith, V., Yesodharan, R., Noronha, J. A., Ladd, E., & George, A. (2021). Qualitative Methods in Health Care Research. International journal of preventive medicine, 12, 20. https://doi.org/10.4103/ijpvm.IJPVM_321_19

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