Your discussion board post this week should be about 200-300 words and include 2

Your discussion board post this week should be about 200-300 words and include 2 references in APA format.
In this discussion, we will consider the Ventilator Problem Links to an external site., just as we explored the Trolley Problem in Module 1. Before drafting your initial post, you should explore the assigned content regarding the dilemma of the scarcity of mechanical ventilators brought about by the ongoing pandemic. In your post, you must address each of the following prompts:
1. How should decisions be made regarding the allocation of scarce resources such as ventilators?
2. What ethical issues must be considered, and how should such ethical problems be framed?
3. Who should make triage decisions during surge capacities?
4. How do the ethical perspectives you researched in Module 1 apply to this situation?

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