For this multi-part assignment you are required to: Diagram three-generations

For this multi-part assignment you are required to:
Diagram three-generations of your family;
Utilize one of the theories provided in the course and reflect on your three-generational family dynamic-brief synopsis of what has changed and what has remained the same within your family structure
Utilize the theory you selected provided within the course to describe your Genogram Diagram
Instructions – (Please avoid handwritten unless it is legible)
This genogram assignment is comprised of two pieces:
In Week 2 – a genogram diagram and theory selected
In Week 2 – a theoretical reflection paper
The sections below detail the requirements for each assignment part.
Genogram – Part A – Diagram
Construct a three-generation genogram of your family-of-origin and that of your partner (if applicable).
Use the McGoldrick, M., Gerson, R., & Petry, S. S. reading (noted below and in the course readings), to develop the genogram – making certain to include dates for births, deaths, marriages, divorces, etc. Add contextual information discussed in the article (this typically helps the genogram more fully represent the family being depicted).
McGoldrick, M., Gerson, R., & Petry, S. S. (2008). Creating genograms. In Genograms: Assessment and intervention (3rd ed., pp. 20-60). New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
You may create the diagram in either of two ways:
Hand draw the diagram and scan it as an image file (JPG or PNGformat)
Use Microsoft PowerPoint and its drawing tools (PPT or PPTXformat) Submit either the image or PowerPoint file in the assignment item in Week 2.
Genogram – Part B – Initial Reflection
In a paper, summarize what you have learned about yourself and your family from the diagram.
The paper should include:
A brief background of your family.
Utilizing a Theoretical Analysis of your family genogram critically examining how family issues may affect your professional use of self in practice and your (and/or family members’) social and psychological functioning.
The student will utilize their selected theory to explain their family genogram.
A discussion of how you have been influenced by your own family of origin – essential to effective practice with Hispanic families (self-awareness).
Self-awareness can be assessed in terms of your own ethnic self-identification, cultural socialization and accompanying biases, understanding of the values patterns and worldviews of yourself, and other culturally diverse populations, especially Hispanic families, etc.
The paper should be 2 double-spaced pages, not including title page or references, and must be in correct APA style and free of grammar and spelling errors.

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