Topic 1: Explain the differences between obscenity and pornography. Explain your

Topic 1: Explain the differences between obscenity and pornography. Explain your thoughts on whether viewing pornography contributes to the commission of sex crimes. Does this apply to child pornography as well?
Topic 2: Internet sexual predators continue to elude law enforcement in great numbers. What are the similarities and differences between the online sexual predators and in-person sexual abusers?
Citations/References: Please use 7th ed. APA format for your in-line citations and references.
This written assignment consists of two essay questions. Please submit one Word document with your answers to both questions. The main body of your paper (not counting title page and reference page) should be 3-4 pages. A minimum of 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly sources per question are to be utilized for the assignment. Sources should also be up-to-date (less than 10 years old). Direct quotes should be kept to a minimum.

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