I would like my research paper to address the challenges hospitals face during t

I would like my research paper to address the challenges hospitals face during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please see the instructions below regarding the topic. You may tweak/change the title anyway necessary to meet the requirements. The class is Economics for Healthhcare Management
Textbook is: Lee, R. H. (2019). Economics for healthcare managers (4th ed.). Chicago, IL: Assoc. of Univ. Programs in Health Administration. ISBN: 9781640550483.
Instructions are here:
Identification of key current problems involving healthcare organizations and economic/financial decision-making requires research and problem statement development. Students are expected to provide a submission of no less than 500 words, utilizing three peer-reviewed journal articles detailing their desired research project. Organizations under consideration should include but are not limited to hospitals, long term care, non-profit organizations specializing in healthcare, and the like. A Biblical integration demonstrating why solving such problems utilizing a Christian worldview is required.

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