Topic Specified: how social services address in home mental health services for

Topic Specified: how social services address in home mental health services for clients
Task summary:You are to complete a research proposal based on previous tasks.
Full order description: Dear Freelancer ,please write the task:
-view and gather content from previous Assignments and Discussions that includes elements of your research proposal. You should have significant material for your problem statement, research question, literature review, and methodological approach.• Revise these previous course submissions.• Download the Research Proposal Template and review the guidance found within the document. Use this template for the Assignment.• Write an introduction and refine and connect the various sections so that they work together as a cohesive research proposal.
Problem Statement
Research Question
Literature Review
Methodological Approach
Topic Specified: how social services address in home mental health services for clientsYou need to use the topic already chosen above.
Formatting style– APA
Sources: Use specific sources attached, no outside sources are allowed
900 words on content, excluding the references and cover page
No plagiarism or AI content. The plagiarism should be less 5% on PlagScan provided by studypool.

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