0. This order is extremely time-limited! If you cannot finish the order on time,

0. This order is extremely time-limited! If you cannot finish the order on time, do NOT assign this order pls! 1. The full title is How has environmental activism driven policy changes and societal attitudes towards environmental sustainability? A critical examination of literature exploring the impact of environmental activism on social change. 2. Do NOT use any AI writing tool, such as ChatGPT, I will check it when I get the paper. 3. I upload an instruction, you must read it thoroughly before you start writing the paper. 4. Keep the plagiarism rate no more than 15% pls, I will check it when I get the paper. 5. Write more your own original analysis and explanation with critical thinking instead of descriiption. 6. If you have any problem, do not hesitate to contact me asap, thank you so much!

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