There are two threads this week (below). You may post to one or both threads; yo

There are two threads this week (below). You may post to one or both threads; you need a total of 6 posts.
THREAD 1: Foot/ankle Injury
A 16-year-old volleyball player jumped up for a spike and landed on another player’s foot, causing an inversion sprain to the right ankle three days ago. She felt a pop and had immediate swelling. She is unable to bear weight on the ankle at the time. She denies any previous ankle injury. X-rays were negative, but the patient was placed on crutches, with weight-bearing to tolerance. She has self-treated with ice and elevation for the past three days, and comes to the AT today to start a rehabilitation program. So far she has performed only alphabet exercises because it was too painful for her to do anything else. She is able to place about 25 pounds of weight on the foot is standing before she complained of pain on the lateral ankle and above the joint. Her pain is located over the lateral ankle. She has moderate swelling of the ankle, foot, and toes, with ecchymosis over the midfoot to the toes. She is able to wiggle her toes through about 50% of normal motion. Ankle range of motion is at 45° of plantar flexion, 10° of inversion with pain, 10° of eversion, and -10° dorsiflexion. She is unable to bear weight on the foot, you can assess antigravity strength of the calf. You’re easily able to overcome of plantar flexion with manual resistance. Eversion is 4/5. Soft tissue mobility is limited by the edema present.
List, in order of priority, what the problems are and establish short-term and long-term goals for each of them.
What kind of treatment is appropriate for the patient today?
What home instructions should the patient be given?
What precautions should she be given?
What guidelines should be used for deciding when she can begin resistive weight-bearing exercise?
List three agility exercises the athlete can be given later in her rehabilitation program (when she is ready to begin them)?
What type of functional testing can be used prior to return to full activity?
Please cite the sources of your information!
Think of this as a “real life” classroom where we are having an open discussion. Playing devil’s advocate and questioning classmates is very much acceptable in order to promote discussion!
If the instructor asks you a question in your initial post thread, a thoughtful reply is expected (and part of your discussion grade). There is no word count expectation for these replies; the goal is to show reflection and application of the concepts being learned.
Discussion Guidelines
THREAD 2: Foot/Ankle Exercises
In this discussion, please list any exercises you feel are pertinent for the foot and ankle. Provide a brief descriiption of the exercise, when it is appropriate to use in the rehabilitation process, and the function of the exercise. Please cite the sources of your information (including photos, videos, handouts)!
This will help everyone in their development of rehabilitation sheets at the end of class!
For example
Marble pick up… picking up marbles with the toes…. concentric and isometric contraction of foot and ankle flexors
making it more challenging: distance of holding the marble

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