Please find the necessary corrections needed below. A2b: Innovative Technology.

Please find the necessary corrections needed below.
A2b: Innovative Technology.
The submission provides an innovative technology of an employee port that would replace the human resource coordinator. However, two examples of how the technology moves the company forward is not evident.
B2: IT Practices.
The submission has a brief discussion that mentions the ITIL framework. However, two practices and two examples that show the application of ITIL are still not evident.
B3: Innovative Organizational Resource Technology.
Not Evident
Not EvidentThe submission does not recommend 2 organizational resource technologies or does not include 2 examples.
The submission discusses the organization forming a dual function and an internally developed ERP system. However, two innovative resource technologies that will improve the service at the organization and two research-based examples that demonstrate the successful application of both of these applications are not evident.

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