Early in the season Karyn injured her right knee during a gymnastics practice. S

Early in the season Karyn injured her right knee during a gymnastics practice. She is a local high school gymnast.

Three weeks ago she underwent an arthroscopy and partial medial meniscectomy. Karyn has been attending physical therapy and has a normal gait, no effusion, and has achieved normal range of motion of the knee. She is ready to begin a more aggressive strengthening program with the Athletic Trainer (AT) at her high school (HS). The new program has effective, efficient, and appropriate strengthening exercises using kinetic chain activities. The HS has an athletic training facility with appropriate rehabilitation equipment.

List six progressive exercises the AT might give Karyn in this scenario. Please justify your answer for each exercise and the criteria for progression. Please cite the sources of your information!
Please feel free to ask quality questions amongst your peers and offer your point of view and suggestions.

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