Choose a type of public safety agency (e.g., police department, fire department,

Choose a type of public safety agency (e.g., police department, fire department, emergency management, etc.) and write a minimum of a 1,500-word paper (excluding title page and reference list) recommending a practice to enhance social responsibility within the agency. The practice should include leadership strategies that promote:
Motivation for change
Transparency and accountability
For each of the five organizational characteristics above, explain how your recommended practice would be implemented and how it would increase each characteristic. For example, if you are proposing the use of bystander intervention training, explain how your selected public safety agency might implement this training and how it would promote the five characteristics. Explain the outcomes you would expect to see after implementing the practice.
Finally, discuss microbehaviors and how they can promote or reduce inclusion. Provide an example of an inclusive microbehavior in your public safety agency, as well as an example of a non-inclusive microbehavior in your public safety agency. Discuss practices you could use as a socially responsible leader to change the non-inclusive microbehavior so that it is inclusive.
Include in-text cites and references to at least four peer-reviewed sources to support your responses to the required elements of the assignment outlined above. Include APA headings (at least Level 1 – see Section 2.27 of the APA Manual, 7th Edition for instructions on proper formatting of headings). Format your work consistent with APA (7th Edition) guidelines.

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