Review the article breaking down the PESTLE Analysis approach. Examine your curr

Review the article breaking down the PESTLE Analysis approach. Examine your current department/division at work and develop a PESTLE Analysis that you could share with leadership from your experience, perspective, and research. You should be completing the PESTLE on the department/division where you are currently working – the organization that is paying your current salary.
Your analysis should be 3-5 pages in length. Use headings for each area and be sure to use proper 7th-edition APA formatting and citations for all outside research.
Students are not allowed to use a PESTLE Analysis done by someone else (individual person, research group, essay writing site, etc.) but should perform their own analysis on their own current department/division at work. Any student’s paper that includes a reference to a PESTLE Analysis done on their own company that was done by someone else will receive a grade of zero.
NOTE: below is the resume also the guidelines for the assignmet, i need 4 pages of content for the assignment.

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