This is a “Critical Making” Application Assignment. For these assignments I ask

This is a “Critical Making” Application Assignment. For these assignments I ask you to engage in a simple act of creativity using material that you find around you. This creative process provides a hands-on way to understand the material we have covered.
OverviewFor this assignment, you will take on the roles of both artist and political leader. You will plan and execute a political self-portrait in the style of one of the artworks we covered in chapter 4.6. Your self-portrait must adhere to the visual conventions that made it legible to its audience. For example, you could choose to fashion yourself in the model of classical military commanders standing in contrapposto, equestrian portraits of leaders on horseback, royalty surrounded by symbols of empire, rulers bestowed with divine authority, and so on. After you pick your “type,” you should then find at least three meaningful pieces of iconography that go along with that type and visually communicate power or rulership. In other words, you have to identify the visual elements that communicated power in the original versions of the artwork you chose and replicate, reproduce, or refashion them for your own portrait with items you own or create. You can find ideas for these iconographic elements in the artworks themselves, which we reviewed in the lectures and in the textbook.
InstructionsFor this assignment, complete the following steps:
Select an established model of political portraiture featured in chapter 4.6.
Find or create three props or visual elements (pieces of iconography) that communicate power within that genre that you can use for your own self-portrait.
Stage your self-portrait and take a high-resolution photograph. (I suggest using the timer on your phone. You can not simply photoshop yourself into the painting or photoshop objects into your image.)
Write a brief description (50 to 100 words) that identifies the model of portraiture that you chose and identifies and explains the three iconographic elements that you included.
Reply to this discussion, embed the image of your artwork (see note on embedding below), and post your description.

Posted in Art

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