The agency that I work for is the “United States Citizenship and Immigration Ser

The agency that I work for is the “United States Citizenship and Immigration Services” in the Department of Homeland Security. My job title is an “Immigration Services Assistant.”
In this assignment, you will create a pitch for the adoption of a new technology at my agency.
Identify a technological tool that would improve the efficiency, transparency, or accountability of someone working as an Immigration Services Assistant for the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Please explain what the tool is and how it is used.
Describe the benefit its adoption would have for your agency.
Describe the pros and cons of implementing your selected technological tool.
Evaluate how other agencies are using this type of tool.
Research how another larger agency is currently using the tool.
Provide a real-world example.
Describe the benefits and/or challenges of your example agency’s adoption.
Describe the policy you would need to create to guide your agency’s usage of the technological tool in the field.
Research similar policies in use by other agencies.
Describe why it is essential to create this type of policy.
Your presentation should be at least eight slides, not including introduction and reference slides. It should also contain speaker notes. Any sources should be cited according to APA style.

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