Choose a quote from the the required reading. Use bold type on the quote you cho

Choose a quote from the the required reading. Use bold type on the quote you choose. Include the name of the text including page number, e.g., (Moore, 36).
Part 1: After reading appendix 1 in Wisdom Walk consider your own spiritual origins and answer these 4 questions.
How do you describe the spiritual tradition(s) in which you were raised (for example, conservative, liberal, one tradition, or exposure to many traditions)?
What benefits have you derived from the spiritual tradition of your birth?
What experiences within your spiritual tradition elicit feelings or reactions (for example, anger, fear, guilt, or sadness; as well as joy, reverence, health, or spiritual inspiration)?
What disadvantages, if any, have you experienced from your own religion of origin? What negativity, if any, do you feel toward your religion?
(Number your points 1-4. Spend 2-3 sentences on each point.)
Part 2: Describe a story in the Wisdom Walk Appendix 1, Tool 1 exploring your spiritual origins. How does the story relate to your own exploration of your spiritual origins? (Number your points 1-4. Spend 2-3 sentences on each point.)

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