Within my capacity at the health department, I have chosen to tackle the pertine

Within my capacity at the health department, I have chosen to tackle the pertinent issue of resistance to change. Unfortunately, our internet and phone systems frequently experience disruptions owing to an undersized server. Additionally, employee morale is affected as they do not feel adequately appreciated, with their suggestions for a more conducive work environment often being disregarded, leaving them feeling unheard.
Students will submit an 8–10-page Leadership Paper (follow APA format). The
final paper will include the following sections. Each section has several guiding questions to assist in
developing a well-derived plan of action.
• Problem: This section should include a descriiption of the problem that needs to be changed, the
data/observations that were used to identify the problem, why the problem has an impact on the
organization, and why solving the problem can make a significant difference to the organization.
After describing the problem, describe how you will (did) Establish a Sense of Urgency (step 1)
concerning the problem. What research supports your course of action?
• Vision & Desired Outcome: This section should describe the strategic vision and desired outcome.
The section should also describe the process for selecting the people who will lead the
implementation of the vision. What steps are needed to achieve the vision? Who you will (did)
invite and engage to be part of the team that frames the problem and solution(s)? Why would (did)
you select these members to be part of the Guiding Coalition (step 2)? How will (did) your team
Develop the Strategic Vision (step 3) for this work and subsequently Communicate the Vision (step
4) to support and enact the vision? What research supports your course of action?
• Barriers to Success: This section should describe any barriers that would inhibit the successful
attainment of the desired outcome. The barriers may be in the form of financial resources, time,
talent, organizational processes, status quo concerns, and/or habits, attitudes, and mindsets. What
did you identify as barriers that you Empowered Employees (step 5) to address and remove? Are
there any inherent risks or conflicts that contribute to these barriers? What resources and/or
professional training are needed to address some of the barriers? How will (did) you remove those
barriers? What research supports your course of action?
• Recommendations: Short-Term: This section should describe the ongoing and short-term
measures of success. Immediate wins are critical when leading a change initiative. What recommendations and Short-Term Wins (step 6) will (did) you identify to address the problem?
How do you know you achieved your short-term wins? Describe your process for implementation,
data collection, and analyses. What research supports your course of action?
• Recommendations: Long-Term & Sustainability: This section should describe the success of
the change initiative and how success can be sustained over the long term. What effect will or did
these changes have on the organization and on organizational performance? How will (did) you
Sustain this Progress (step 7) and Institute and Anchor Change (step 8) as a part of the culture?
What evaluation tool will you use later (year 2 or 3) to measure the ongoing success of your change
initiative? What can be learned from the success of other companies or countries that have faced
similar challenges? What research supports your course of action?
(Do not include the questions in your paper).
I have included Kotters Leading Change book as a reference. Please use as a part of the reference and citations.
I will add 3 more references to use..
This paper should not exceed 8 pages.

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