From the instructor, Hello Richard, Once again, you write well so you easily ove

From the instructor,
Hello Richard,
Once again, you write well so you easily overcome the obstacle that most students confront. There are a few sentences that are too long, and I edited these. I also revisited the last para of your intro—see those minor edits.
Your lit review needs more depth. Analyze studies and synthesize the research further for patient compliance, the major aim of your paper. You only touch upon ideas. See my comments. Usually, capstone papers reach 25 pages with references—there is no magic page no, but your research needs to capture more about why patients might not comply to hit your aim and then the corresponding interventions that address or fall short of improving patient compliance.
See your paper for more guidance and my recommendations about rearranging info for the upcoming discussion and conclusion sections.
Thank you and I look forward to the next iteration.
Dr. J.

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