Instructions for Capturing your Curiosity Report Background Entrepreneurs see

Instructions for Capturing your Curiosity Report
Entrepreneurs see customer needs that other ignore and identify innovative solutions
before others see the value. Therefore, curiosity and marketplace awareness are critical to
entrepreneurial success.
16% of your course grade is allocated to this assessment, with 8% for each weekly
The personal project runs for weeks 4 and 7. For each of these weeks you need to: Write
a short report (max. 1,000 words) based on the following
o A1:– An inventor (in the 20th Century) that changed the world
o Create a new document for each submission
o Update the heading “Week X” to the correct week (e.g. Week 4 or 7)
o Provide a brief
introduction (in your own words)
o Provide the details of your research (in your own
o Explain why this made you curious/interested (in your own words)
o Provide
a list of references (min. of 4 references per paper)
Upload your document to the assignment Turnitin link on Moodle
Name your file using the following convention:
MCR010 Week X StudentID FirstName.docx
The Turnitin link closes on:
o Quality and insights are more important than quantity – you can only do this if you read
and understand the articles
o No. of words: 1,000 words (max.)

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