PART ONE Please find an article related to Gun Control/Gun Violence from a relia

Please find an article related to Gun Control/Gun Violence from a reliable news source published within the last 12 months.
Put the link to the article at the end of the paragraph
Summarize the article in in a short paragraph
Reflect on the article, its context within the current social climate, or its impact on you personally in two or three sentences.
Please research Gun Violence/Gun Control broadly to deepen your overall understanding of the large-scale issue and then begin to hone in on specific aspects of Gun Violence/Gun Control that interests you. Write a short paragraph
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate mastery of argumentative skills and understanding of current, controversial issues.
Successful arguments will be based on effective incorporation of elements that we have discussed this semester, including:
Rhetorical Methods – ethos; pathos; logos
Cause/Effect – what might happen; what will necessarily happen
Evaluation – develop criteria to determine the merit of a proposal
Definition – explain what is at stake in clear terms
You are required to write THREE to FOUR PAGES including CITATION PAGE
You may use first person, but please maintain academic voice.
If you incorporate sources directly or paraphrase, you must cite them both in-text and in a Works Cited page.
Step One: Research the topic “Gun Violence/Gun Control” to familiarize yourself with the general issues..
Step Two: Consider the proposed Assault Weapons Ban of 2023. Links to an external site.In short: “This bill makes it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD).”
Step Three: Respond to the following scenario.
You are the President of the United States. You must decide IF and HOW the United States should proceed on a path towards regulating assault weapons on the federal level, per the Assault Weapons Ban of 2023.
Opening: Please use this direct wording: The United States [WILL/WILL NOT] endeavor to regulate assault weapons on the federal level per the proposed Assault Weapons Ban of 2023.
Body: In two or more paragraphs, please:
Explain why you, as the President, decided to work towards or abandon this legislation.
Explain your next steps for the country regarding this issue.
Conclusion: Briefly pull together your thoughts and intentions as the President on this issue.
As you compose this paper, consider the following:
Short term impact/Long term impact
Public support/Public opinion
Example to the world/Example to U.S. citizens/Example to future generations

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