For the second part of your assignment, you will practice and record your speech

For the second part of your assignment, you will practice and record your speech that follows the outline you developed in the first part of this assignment. Please note that you cannot pause your recording at any time or edit the video. If you pause the recording, the assignment will be disqualified, so make sure it does not happen. Adequate support/sources are required for this speech. Be sure to show your audience as well!
Persuasive Speech Rubric Persuasive Speech Rubric – Alternative Formats (click to download)
Please review Recording and Uploading Speech in the Getting Started section of the course.
Please watch this short YouTube video about recording and uploading your speech: Recording and Uploading Your Speech.
Once your speech is recorded, please double check that the link is working.
To submit your speech, click on the above hyperlink (Week 3 Assignment Part 2: Persuasive Speech)If you are uploading your speech to a website (YouTube, Drop Box, Vimeo, Google Drive), paste the link in the comment box.
If you are planning to present in Office Hour, please enter “will present in Office Hour” in the comment box.
The link to your speech is due by SUNDAY of Week 2 by 11:59pm at the latest. There is a 3-day, penalty-free grace period, where the speech link can be turned in by Wednesday of Week 4 by 11:59pm. Earlier submissions are acceptable as well. Please double check that the link to your speech is working before you submit via the Comment Box.

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