You are writing to your professional organization a letter to a mayor, governor,

You are writing to your professional organization a letter to a mayor, governor, or Congress to ask them to support a significant change in government policy or funding. You are identifying and providing evidence for what change should be made. Past examples include banning smoking in public places, requiring seatbelts, and providing financial support for contraception.. Preparation phase: 1. Select a population health issue of HIVD’AIDS, and identify a population affected by the issue. 2. Locate one scholarly article that provides a description of an effective health campaign that addresses your issue (it could be on any population as long as it is on your health issue). The articles should be from 2013 or later.
3. Analyze the campaign’s attributes to determine what made it compelling.
4. Reflect on a policy you could propose (or suggest a change to a current policy) to improve the health of the population you selected. You can choose a policy proposal or change at any level of government (local, state, or federal).
5. Consider how you could develop an advocacy campaign to work for your population, applying the attributes identified in similar, effective campaigns. Instructions: Prepare a health advocacy letter addressed to either our local, state, or federal government that addresses the following.
Part 1: Describe your selected health issue and the population affected by this issue (description of the health issue. – selected population – . Part 2: Summarize the advocacy campaign you researched. Part 3: Explain the attributes that made the campaign effective. Part 4: Begin to develop a plan for a health advocacy campaign that seeks to create a new policy or change an existing policy with regard to the issue and population you selected. Be sure to include the following in your plan: 2 o A description proposed policy solution (here you apply the advocacy campaign you selected to your health issue and population). o One objective for the policy, you want to be implemented. o Data and evidence to substantiate the need for your proposed campaign. Part 5: List of references Part 6: Include a pdf of your researched article. Format: Approximately three double-spaced pages (not including the title page) of content with a title page and references in APA format, grammar, and spelling.

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